Sketch Practice: Travel App
Prework 3 of Ironhack UI/UX design bootcamp
The Task
Design a log-in screen and an itinerary screen for a travel app that lets people plan trips with friends and share a daily itinerary with activity and location details. Below is an example given by Ironhack. The purpose of this task is to practice basic functions of Sketch design tool.

My Work

For layout, I applied 8-Point Grid to arrange elements in order to create a quality rhythm between them.
For typography, I chose Helvetica, a sans serif font, to go for modern look and used different scales of font size to create hierarchy. I also adjusted the spacing between letters and lines to make the texts legible.
For color, I chose Wild Watermelon inspired by Airbnb as primary color to set a warm and welcoming tone for a friend-sharing travel app and chose Bright Turquoise, a split-complementary color from the primary color, as accent to create vibrant and youthful feeling. I used selected black and grey for texts to create hierarchy of body copy.
The most challenging part of this work is to create profile photos. I took some time to learn Craft Manager plugin and use that to pull pictures from web to quickly create profile photos. I really enjoyed the process of designing the work, especially the color selection part, and I am happy with the result. What do you think? :)